Packaging Busts: Workplace Culture

Packaging Busts: Workplace Culture

To honor National Mental Health Awareness Month; Pack Protocols decided to take a necessary detour and write about workplace culture and how it directly affects packaging professionals. Most companies if they are lucky enough have a small team of packaging...
Packaging Busts: Workplace Culture

Packaging Busts: Packaging Waste

There has been an increase demand for mobile/e-commerce shipments. Companies want to ensure products being parceled are protected throughout the supply chain to keep customers happy and prevent returns. However; certain businesses typically use a one size fits all...
Packaging Busts: Workplace Culture

Packaging Busts: Over-Packaging

Lately Pack Protocols has been frequently purchasing auto parts for their work vehicle. The late model truck has come in handy for packaging projects in the past. The truck has been paid off and is a vital part of Pack Protocols transportation until a new vehicle can...
Packaging Busts: Workplace Culture

Packaging Busts: Security

This Packaging Busts article touches on an unnoticed topic: security. Packaging Professionals are eager to tackle a challenge and come up with great packaging for a product. At times companies can be laser-focused on package security, producing a great piece. However;...
Packaging Busts: Workplace Culture

Packaging Busts: Usability

This edition of Packaging Busts is a bit different as we go beyond the obvious packaging missteps and delve into a common error: Usability. The issue of usability can be caused in the packaging development world in several formats ranging from creating original...